
3 months...

I have been meaning to write this blog for over a week now, but life has just been busy around the Mayfield home.  On November 11, we celebrated three months of wedded bliss!!  People ask us ALL THE TIME -  "how is married life?? and we say the same thing, "its great!". Because it is!  We are really enjoying married life.  I do not feel that I have had too many huge adjustments to being married.  We spent so much time together when we were dating its been an easy transition for us.  The biggest adjustment I have had is sharing a bed (I like my space) and having more accountability with my finances (which is a good thing).

I have learned some things about marriage, myself, Michael and us the past three months though (some things were expected, some were not)...

Here are a few things:

1.  I cannot imagine what life would be like with kids.  I have gained a new appreciation for my friends with kids - wow - its hard enough keeping up with meals, laundry (lots more laundry and trash) and the house for two people - much less more.
2.  I like to cook but trying to decide what to cook on a nightly basis (or once or twice a week) is tough.  I want to plan meals - but haven't gotten around to it yet.
3.  I am keeping a cleaner house now that we are married.  I am pretty strict on myself about a clean kitchen - which I never did before.
4.  I am slowly changing my vocabulary from mine, I, me to ours, we, and us.
5.  I have had to discipline myself for my quiet time.  Before marriage I was very disciplined, then marriage happened and my schedule went into a whirlwind.  So, I have developed a new one.
6. Michael makes me laugh more now than when we were just dating and sometimes the laughter comes from bodily functions (who knew I would ever think it was funny).
7.  I am learning about compromise.  One example - I LOVE Christmas!  My tree goes up first weekend in November - I think you should enjoy it for more than a month as long as it takes to decorate.  Michael is an after Thanksgiving decorator.  I waited an extra week this year since its OUR house now - he didn't make me wait till after Thanksgiving (thanks babe)! :)
8.  I pick my battles - its not worth an argument if he leaves the cabinet open (and I am sure he picks his battles too - i.e. putting up the Christmas tree before Thanksgiving).
9.  I am so proud of him and the hard work he does to provide for our family and keep our house in working order.  I didn't think I could love him more than on August 11 - but I was wrong.
10.  He really is my best friend.  I love spending as much time with him as I can and am sad when I am not with him.

Here is to another 3 months of learning new things about love, life and marriage!!

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