
5 Things I'm Loving...

Alright y'all 5 things I'm loving right now...

Podcasts! Where have I been? I knew they were around but I've really never listened to them more than a month when we were living with my parents and my commute was OBNOXIOUS. But, I have found one that has grabbed me and I am hooked. I am loving The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey . I love it! I have followed her blog and have been friends with her on FB, IG and Twitter for years and just never listened until May and now I am happy to say I have listened to all of them. Its my ride home from work listen and my ride to work listen if Rick and Bubba are on vacation. Jamie has women who are doing so much with their lives! Women who are entrepreneurs, writers, foster parents, missionaries, pastors wives, and just every day moms. Some of her guests include Jen Hatmaker, Annie Downs, Melanie Shankle (Big Mama) and so many more! Its so fun! Go listen and see what you think.  

If you have seen me this summer, you have probably seen me in this top from Target! No, I am not that girl that posed in this picture for this post, this is my new staff photo. I obviously love this shirt if I am wearing it in a staff picture that will last for a while. I have one in green too. Its so comfortable! I wish I had the other colors too.

This song by Dara Maclean - so good! 

This cake recipe is so yum and its not hard to make. My next quest is to find a good buttercream icing recipe. If you have one share.

Timehop! I love this app! Its so fun to look back on your social media posts and remember where you were!

So, what are you loving right now?


I Never Thought I'd...

After I had Carsyn I started a series on my twitter called, "I never thought I'd..." and it was all about being a mommy. My timehop has been full of them lately - I guess I was in the throngs of motherhood firsts in that first six weeks of her life. 

Here are a few of my, I never thought I'd...
pick boogers from her nose
not flinch when I'm vomited all over
scoop poop out of the tub like its nothing and keep going with the bath
watch the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over and over and over and over again
buy a hair dryer sound on my iTunes account
love a little human being so much

So, what are your I never thought I'd moments as a parent?

Be Blessed!