
5 Things I'm Loving Take 2

I did a 5 things I'm loving a couple of weeks ago and thought I'd do another...

1) - Big Brother - my sister introduced me to this several years ago and it has been my summer show. When Michael and I started dating I got him watching it too. Its a reality show - strangers put together in a house with no outside contact with the world. They do competitions and vote each other out every week - D-R-A-M-A! Love it!

2) - Periscope - I love Periscope! Basically its you watching live video from strangers around the world. I have watched Disney fireworks shows, U2 concerts, Taylor Swift concerts, NKOTB concerts, and stupid stuff too. I love it!

3) - Bean Boozled - this cracks me up. I saw Joey Hill do it at our Hydrate camp. We have a box in our office and I have taken it around to offices and told them to pick one - it scares the crap out of me which one I might get. So fun!

4) - Feedly - maybe I am late to the party on this but my co-worker, Taylor told me about this because I was trying to figure out how to keep the blogs I read organized and I LOVE IT!

5) - cucumbers - I know its so random - but this summer I have been all about cucumbers. And to top it all off - I have never had them with salt on them - I just ate them plain usually on my salad - but salt on them has changed my life. Its been my snack of the summer!

What are you loving that I need in my life?


3 Years!

Wow - how can it already be three years that we said, "I do"? A lot has happened in three years. Sold a house, bought a house, had a baby, changed a job - thats a lot crammed into that short of time. We've shared laughs, tears, and made lots of memories along the way.

I have loved watching you be the best daddy to Carsyn and the way she LOVES you! Last night at 11 PM as we were dealing with a one year old who had vomited for the first time - you were giving her a bath, I was changing sheets, you were calming her down, I was calming her down, all I could think about during that time was how thankful that we are a team - thats the way marriage is supposed to be! I pray our marriage always reflects Christ love for us and we point others to HIM!

Thank you for being...
My steady rock when I need support
My protector when I'm scared
My strength when I'm just too weak
My positive when I'm negative
My Prayer warrior 
My listener
My Friend
My Love

Thank you for the way you love us! Our family is my favorite!

Happy Anniversary!