
Show Us Your Life Appetizers

I am linking up today with Kelly's Korner who does a "Show Us Your Life" segment every week - I always like going there to get ideas from other bloggers.  Today's SUYL is all about food and with Christmas parties happening (we have 2 this weekend) I thought I'd participate!  Here are two of my favorite appetizers to make...

Bacon Wrapped Smokies - so yummy!  I took them to our small group a few weeks ago and they were gone fast!

1 pound Li'l Smokies
12 ounces, weight Center-cut Bacon
⅓ cups Brown Sugar
¼ cups Maple Syrup (the Real Stuff)
1 Tablespoon Dijon Mustard

The last time I did these I did not use toothpicks - but I have used them before - your preference.
Empty the smokies onto some paper towels and blot them dry. Dry smokies will allow the bacon to adhere better. Place the dried smokies in a single layer (keeping them separated) onto a small cookie sheet. Place in the freezer for 45 minutes.
While the smokies are in the freezer, cut the bacon into thirds. Separate each piece of bacon and place on a large cookie sheet in a single layer. Put the bacon in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. The well-chilled smokies and bacon will help to keep everything from getting too slippery when you wrap the smokies later.
When it is nearly time to take the smokies out of the freezer, preheat the oven to 350F. Line a rimmed sheet pan with heavy-duty aluminum foil. Make the glaze by whisking together the brown sugar, maple syrup, and mustard. Whisk the mixture well to ensure that the larger pieces of brown sugar have broken up.
Wrap a piece of bacon around each smokie, pressing firmly on the final edge of the bacon to better ensure it does not spring open during baking. Try not to stretch the bacon when wrapping the sausages. Place the bacon-wrapped smokies onto the foil-lined sheet pan, seam side down. Continue with the rest of the bacon and smokies. Using a spoon, put a little bit of the thick glaze on top of each bacon-wrapped smokie, trying to coat each one evenly. You should have just enough glaze to do the entire batch.
Bake the smokies for about 35 minutes or until they are lightly brown on top. Immediately transfer the smokies to a serving plate or a slow cooker set on low to keep warm. Its a sticky process to make them but they are soo good!!
Courtesy of Cooking Ventures

One of my other go to appetizers is Sweet and Sour Meatballs.  Another yummo recipe and so easy!  
Ingredients - 3 that's it!
1 - 16-18 oz Jar of Grape Jelly
1 -12 oz Jar of Chili Sauce (I use Heinz) - find this near the ketchup
2 lb Bag of frozen meatballs

Combine jelly and chili sauce in a crock pot and stir until smooth.  Add meatballs or cocktail sausages and set temperature to low.  Cook for 2-5 hours on low.  Serve with toothpicks.



Giving Thanks...

We had a great Thanksgiving week!  The week was super busy with seeing old friends, three meals with our families and watching a little football!  While all of that was absolutely wonderful - my favorite part of the week was serving dinner at Glen Iris Baptist Church.  Our Bible Fellowship class did this last year and we really enjoyed it and was excited to be able to serve and give back again this year.  Each person that comes through for dinner has to watch a video presentation of the Gospel and are given an opportunity to respond.  Each year they serve turkey, ham, dressing, green beans, desserts and other vegetables.  Seeing all of the people that come through always makes you thankful for what you have.  
Each year they feed around 500 people from nursing homes, rehabs, homeless and needy people throughout Birmingham.  Such a great ministry!

I served coffee throughout the night!
Michael walked around with tea and water
Our friend Liz was on the food line

Our group that was able to go this year -   Me, Liz, Jody, Michael, Daniel and Chris (not pictured - Jonathan).

All aproned up!

And it was our first married Thanksgiving!  I think Thanksgiving is becoming one of my favorite holidays since we get such a long weekend and its more relaxing than Christmas when its go go go!  We had a great time with our families and are so thankful for the Lord's provision each and every day in our lives!



Well, its the time of the year where everyone is remembering the things they are thankful for.  My Facebook feed has been full of Day 1, Day 2,... I did not do it - 1) - I wouldn't be able to keep up with it, 2) - I didn't want to do what everyone else was doing and 3) - I thought I would do it in one large post and get it all out at once.  So, here goes (and in no particular order)....

I am thankful for:
  1. My relationship with Jesus.  Gosh, I did not deserve what He did for me.  I will never be worthy of Him, but am thankful that He chose to die for me.
  2. Michael. God knew what He was doing when He brought Michael into my life.  I am amazed that Michael chose me for his wife.  I feel so unworthy to be a Mayfield, but am thankful that the Lord knew what He was doing.  He is so caring, loving and brings so much joy to my life.  As his sister, Elizabeth, says - "I love the way he loves you" and I do too!
  3. My parents.  They are so good to me - they have done so much for me and love me unconditionally.  I know I can always count on them and for that I am grateful!
  4. My sisters. I love those girls so much!  We have gone from friends as kids to sometimes enemies as teenagers to friends as adults.  They are such good friends to me.  We do not see each other as much as we would like but when we do, we soak up the moment.  
  5. My niece and nephew.  Who knew that seven years ago when the Lord brought Brandon into our life what a difference he would make in our family.  He brought a new meaning to our family - new life, new joy and new love that we didn't know.  Then five years ago he brought that spunky Ella to us and what a joy she is.  The road with them has not always been an easy one but I cannot imagine our family without them.
  6. My in-laws.  Terry and Debbie have been so wonderful to me - welcoming me into their home from day one! The first time I went to their house, Michael and I were just friends - I remember Debbie giving me the biggest hug.  I was so amazed how welcoming they were to me.  Its still the same.  I love them and am thankful for the love they have shown me.
  7. My brothers and sister-in-law.  I have three brothers and one sister-in-law.  Ronald and Chase are so fun to be around and have been great friends for Michael.  They have shown him the Handley family ropes and been great sounding boards for him.  Zac and Elizabeth have been so warm and welcoming to me joining their family.  Its been fun getting to know them and learning all of the Mayfield stories.
  8. My church. I love my church.  I love my pastor and the staff.  I love my small group leaders, Bible study leaders and Bible fellowship teachers.  I have been fed so much the past three years.  Pastor Kevin is truly a pastor.  He is not your typical "mega church" pastor - I have gotten more personal, handwritten, notes from him than from any other pastor I have ever had.  Now, I do not get as much one-on-one contact with him (which I never expected and do miss that from being in a smaller church) but I did not expect all the notes I get from him. I love being a part of that body.
  9. Our military. Taken for granted too often.  I am thankful for the sacrifice they and their families make for us on a daily basis.  Our family knows all too well the cost of freedom and the price the families pay - I am thankful for them.
  10. My job.  This year was my 15th year with SDEA.  Wow!  I cannot believe it has been that long.  Time has truly flown.  I have grown so much not only as a believer, but as a person.  I have learned leadership skills, learned to be a little more comfortable talking in public, learned how to be detailed, the hotel business, finances, gosh - I could go on and on.  But, the one constant thing is seeing people come to Christ.  I am not in it for the $, I am in it to see lives changed and am thankful to be a small part of what the Lord is doing through SDEA.
  11. My church friends. Not only did I gain a wonderful church when I moved to GFBC, I gained some great friendships.  The Lord brought so many great people into my life - people that have become like brothers and sisters to me.  I have laughed, loved and cried with these people.  They make my world a happier place!
  12. Our house. I have been there for eight years now.  Its in the middle of nowhere with horrible roads and annoying dogs, it needs bigger closets and more cabinets and we are ready to move but its our home.  We have heat, a roof, electricity and plumbing.  The Lord blessed me with it and now it has become our first home.  So many people do not have a home and would love to live where we do.  I do not take my home for granted - all of my "first world problems" are nothing compared to what others have.  I thank the Lord many nights during our prayer time for our home.
  13. My work friends.  I work and have worked with wonderful people.  We laugh, cry and disagree together.  I have seen a lot of people come through the doors of SDEA in my 15 years.  Some I still see on occasion, some I do not, some are my closest friends and have learned about life from.  I am thankful for all the relationships I have had through the past 15 years with co-workers.
  14. My extended family.  I have the best family!  I have wonderful aunts, uncles and cousins (and new Mayfield ones too).  They have always shown me so much love but this past year they truly overwhelmed me with their love as we were planning the wedding.  Throwing showers, gifts, just being there, cheering me on and supporting us through the whole wedding process was priceless to me. 
  15. My health.  This past year I have had two family members diagnosed with cancer and one passed away.  I read where people I know get diagnosed with leukemia, have children with seizures, transplants and friends diagnosed with diabetes.  I have my ailments like everyone else - but they do not compare to what others are going through.
  16. Franklin - our Compassion child.  I have been sponsoring Franklin from Honduras for four years now.  I write him letters and love getting letters back from him.  What we give to him each month comes to eight fast food meals - which in his world goes a LONG way.  If you are not sponsoring a child and making a difference in the life a child - do it - you will be blessed!  Go to Compassion, World Vision, Sonrise Baby Home in Uganda - there are so many organizations that needs YOU!                
  17. Freedom.  We might not always agree with what the people choose - but at least we get the opportunity to choose!
  18. God's creation.  I love the changing seasons, the beach, beauty of the mountains, clouds, full moons...its just beautiful!
  19. Old friendships.  Friendships that were for a season.  Some that still exist, but we might not keep in touch as much as we used to but pick up where we left off.  They all have left a mark on my life.  A lesson learned, much laughter, a few tears, all special.
  20. Student ministry.  I love student ministry for many reasons.  The obvious - pointing people to Christ.  I worked in student ministry for nine years.  Those kids made an impact on my life.  They taught me about patience, how to love life, persevere and love Jesus.  Since I was not a part of a student ministry as a teenager, I was able to experience student ministry with them.  Being a small part of their lives was a joy for me and a huge responsibility.  I have great respect for youth ministers and student workers out there.  While I do not work in student ministry anymore - I still have the opportunity to work with incredible student ministers through our conferences.  I love seeing the kids I worked with grow into adults, graduate college, get jobs (some as student ministers), marry and now have kids.  Makes me feel old but so grateful for my time with them.
  21. Family vacations.  I cherish that time with my family every year.  We have such a good time of just slowing down our busy lives and catching up.  Wonderful memories and family time.
  22. My college girls.  I have had four girls a part of my life since they were in 7th grade.  I have watched them grow up to be beautiful, Godly, young women.  Its amazing to see the ups and downs in their lives and to be a small part of their journey.  I was blessed to spend once a month with them diving into God's Word, talking, eating, making silly movies and laughing together.  Now, that college takes most of their time, I miss that time with them, but love getting texts, having lunches and seeing them grow through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  23. Pictures.  My home and office are covered with pictures.  Wonderful memories, faces I do not get to see again until we are reunited in Heaven and special moments in our lives.  A great reminder of my wonderful life.
  24. Social media.  It has been so fun catching up with people on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  People I have not seen since elementary school, high school or college.  People I once went to church with or worked with.  I still care about these people and love seeing how they are doing.
  25. Singleness. I closed that chapter in my life in 2012 but am so thankful for it.  I am thankful for the time I had to grow as a woman.  I learned so much from my friends who are married on how to be a good wife, mom and friend. I got to experience things I might not have been able to if I had been married.  I cherish that time in my life.
  26. Marriage.  Its new to me and I am still learning and I probably will never figure it out, but I am very thankful for the new journey the Lord has me on.  I love spending time with my husband and doing life together.
  27. Off days.  I love being home to do nothing, to run errands, to be at home sick or just go on vacation.  Since I have been at SDEA for so many years, I am blessed with a lot of vacation time and do not take that time for granted.
  28. Transportation. I am glad I do not have to walk to work (that would take me hours), I am glad I get to go places like Hawaii via airplane and Jamaica via cruise boat to see beautiful places.  I am glad I get to go to Orlando via airplane for work which cuts down my travel time by hours and gets me home to my man quicker. Transportation is a good thing.
  29. Paycheck. I am thankful for our paychecks that pays our bills and allows us to do fun things. Thankful that people drink coke and donors who believe in what we are doing for the Kingdom.
  30. Holidays.  Holidays that bring people together. Holidays that remind you of your freedom. Holidays that remind you of important events in our history.  Holidays that let you dress up and be a kid again.  Holidays that bring new beginnings and hopes.  Holidays that let you show love to your parents and people you love.  Holidays that honor those who have given much for us.  Holidays that bring you good food.  Holidays that bring you beautiful decorations, lights and music.  Holidays that remind you of the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior.  Holidays which remind you to take time and list out things you are grateful for. 
Happy Thanksgiving!


3 months...

I have been meaning to write this blog for over a week now, but life has just been busy around the Mayfield home.  On November 11, we celebrated three months of wedded bliss!!  People ask us ALL THE TIME -  "how is married life?? and we say the same thing, "its great!". Because it is!  We are really enjoying married life.  I do not feel that I have had too many huge adjustments to being married.  We spent so much time together when we were dating its been an easy transition for us.  The biggest adjustment I have had is sharing a bed (I like my space) and having more accountability with my finances (which is a good thing).

I have learned some things about marriage, myself, Michael and us the past three months though (some things were expected, some were not)...

Here are a few things:

1.  I cannot imagine what life would be like with kids.  I have gained a new appreciation for my friends with kids - wow - its hard enough keeping up with meals, laundry (lots more laundry and trash) and the house for two people - much less more.
2.  I like to cook but trying to decide what to cook on a nightly basis (or once or twice a week) is tough.  I want to plan meals - but haven't gotten around to it yet.
3.  I am keeping a cleaner house now that we are married.  I am pretty strict on myself about a clean kitchen - which I never did before.
4.  I am slowly changing my vocabulary from mine, I, me to ours, we, and us.
5.  I have had to discipline myself for my quiet time.  Before marriage I was very disciplined, then marriage happened and my schedule went into a whirlwind.  So, I have developed a new one.
6. Michael makes me laugh more now than when we were just dating and sometimes the laughter comes from bodily functions (who knew I would ever think it was funny).
7.  I am learning about compromise.  One example - I LOVE Christmas!  My tree goes up first weekend in November - I think you should enjoy it for more than a month as long as it takes to decorate.  Michael is an after Thanksgiving decorator.  I waited an extra week this year since its OUR house now - he didn't make me wait till after Thanksgiving (thanks babe)! :)
8.  I pick my battles - its not worth an argument if he leaves the cabinet open (and I am sure he picks his battles too - i.e. putting up the Christmas tree before Thanksgiving).
9.  I am so proud of him and the hard work he does to provide for our family and keep our house in working order.  I didn't think I could love him more than on August 11 - but I was wrong.
10.  He really is my best friend.  I love spending as much time with him as I can and am sad when I am not with him.

Here is to another 3 months of learning new things about love, life and marriage!!


Pumpkin Bread

I love baking (although I am not always good at it). But, one recipe I have down pat is pumpkin bread. I found this on the internet a few years ago and have used it ever since. With the busyness of being a newlywed, I have been slow about baking my first fall batch of the bread. Saturday was a little slower for us - so I had the chance to make it - unfortunately, no photos...but here is the recipe. Thanks to You've Got Supper for the recipe! Enjoy!

 Super Moist Pumpkin Bread Servings: 2 loaves Prep Time: 15 min. Cook Time: 1 hour 15 min. This bread will fill your house with the smells of Autumn.

15 oz pumpkin (canned) • 3 egg(s) • 3/4 cup(s) vegetable oil • 2 1/2 cup(s) flour • 2 1/4 cup(s) sugar • 1 1/2 tsp baking soda • 1 tsp salt • 3/4 tsp cinnamon • 3/4 tsp cloves • 3/4 tsp nutmeg

 1. Grease and flour 2 9" X 5" loaf pans. Combine and beat pumpkin, 1/2 cup water, eggs, and oil.
 2. Measure dry ingredients into a separate bowl; combine and mix with pumpkin, water, egg, and oil mixture.
 3. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour (or until knife inserted comes out clean).