
I Want to Leave a Legacy...

I am still catching up on our happenings around our busy house - maybe one day I will be fully caught up (doubtful).  In February we went to Pigeon Forge for the Mayfield Family Reunion.  This was my first and it was great to finally meet some of Michael's cousins (I met them at the wedding but lets face it - it was "hi, nice to meet you" and that was the extent of it).  We had 29 Mayfield's in a cabin - 9 kids and 20 adults (and we were missing an entire family and Michael's brother, Zac)  - it was very loud but so much fun!

I will admit I was nervous going in.  I was worried about what to pack, would I fit in, would they like me.  Michael was reassuring of course, but spending time with that many people and being the "new kid" was very overwhelming to me.  Once I got there and we were settled - I was fine and realized that all of my concerns were for nothing (of course).

We split the meals into teams - Michael and I and his cousin, Trey, and his wife, Kelly, had first night, first meal.  So, here was another pressure for me - I wanted it to be good and for everyone to enjoy it (and most importantly - not get sick).  Being a planner at heart and for a living can be a great thing but also a sickness.  I think I drove poor Kelly and Trey crazy planning everything weeks in advance.  I made Shirley Hill's famous pepperoni surprise, we had salad, bread and Kelly made brownies.  The meal turned out great!  And I learned, it is not an easy task cooking for 30 folks.


It was such a relaxing weekend...

old photos were looked at...
sports was watched...
games were played...

 lots of food was eaten and many laughs were had...

My favorite thing was on Saturday night when all of the adults got together and had family share time.  For two and a half hours we sat in the living room and listened to each person share their favorite memory or in some cases memories of growing up as a Mayfield. It was such a sweet time as a family.  I loved hearing the story of all the Mayfield cousins growing up visiting their grandparents, playing church, swimming in the pool, the TCBY runs, sleepovers at Christmas and so many more.  Each one of them shared such sweet memories.  

As I listened, I couldn't help to think of my own life and the great memories I had growing up with my cousins.  But, I was also wishing that my grandparents had lived longer and that I had more memories of my dad's parents (they died when I was very young).  
 Some members of the family listening to each other share....

Michael's grandparents (mimi and granddaddy) have been married for 65 years this next month!  Wow!  They are such incredible people and have built such a legacy with this family.  Time and time again I heard the cousins talking about what an impact they have left on them.  The girl cousins were talking about how hard it was to change their name from Mayfield when they got married.  They have passed on their Christian heritage and values to this family.  There is now a third generation of Mayfield's coming up and are being influenced and loved on by these sweet people.

On Sunday, granddaddy shared a devotion with the family and we had our own worship.  Again, such a special time as we gathered together as a family to listen and worship together.  

More photos from the weekend that I stole from Facebook...
Saturday Night Food Crew -
Derek, Amber, Rebecca, Elizabeth and Kevin
girl cousins
Heather, Harper, Stephanie, Kelly, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Lauren and Amber

top photo - Kevin, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Amber and Derek
middle photos - lots of little Mayfield kids
bottom photo - all of the Mayfield adults and 2 kiddos
All I could think of throughout the weekend is - I want to leave a legacy like this to our family.  You only have one shot at life - will your legacy be one to be proud of?  or one of regrets and if only's?  To not only talk about your relationship with Jesus, but more importantly to live it out in front of your loved ones.  I pray that my legacy will be one like Dewey and Phyllis Mayfield - where their children (and grandchildren and great-grandchildren and grand-in-laws) rise up and called her (them) blessed! 

I am so thankful to be a Mayfield!  


  1. Could not have said it better myself. I have tears in my eyes and want to say thank you. Glad you are part of us now- I have never seen Michael happier! :)
